Sunday, May 26, 2024

Back to Ann Jonson 1832

Springtime is a very busy time and it took me several months to finish a round robin (sort of ) project, Twinchie by Carolyn Manning Designs for my Table 3052 Stitch NJ friends. I finished my portion on Friday evening so now I’m back to Ann Jonson by Hands Across the Sea Samplers. I hope to dedicate some time to this sampler and catch up to everyone participating in the SAL on Facebook. 

It’s a very pretty sampler and I do enjoy working on it. I jumped back in today so I’m working on part of the house. I will work on those challenging windows tomorrow.

Ann Jonson 1832 by HATS

Monday, February 1, 2021

January 2021 WIPocalypse

 I started Susannah Walker, 1848 by Modern Folk Embroidery on Christmas Day and I have worked on it almost every day since. Here's my progress thus far:

The last word in that lovely saying should be 'book'. I almost finished stitching the words last night but I made a 1/2 stitch error in the letter 'b' and after ripping it out I was too tired to continue stitching.

The only other project I worked on this month is Sister Suffragette by Summer House Stitche Workes. I started it on Inauguration Day and only got a little bit done.

The WIPocalypse Question of the Month: Tell us about a WIP on which you’ve really struggled to make progress. Explain its history. What appears to be the reason you’re struggling?

In reflecting on this I'm surprised to discover that Herbularius by Chatelaine is the project on which I'm struggling to make progress. Surprising because it is one of my favorite stitches but I didn't work on it at all in 2020. It is a project that requires good light and that I'm not too tired to work on it and I guess I had trouble meeting those requirements. I'm certain pandemic living also interfered with my ability to concentrate. 

I think I'll have to figure out how to create the right conditions to work on it because it makes me sad that it's lingering in a closet.

I hope you had a good month. If you're in a snowstorm, as we are, I hope you are safe and warm.

Happy stitching! xxx

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Susannah Walker 1848

The best of plans laid out for 2021 are already being ignored. Based on my WIPGO 2021 board I'm supposed to be working on Spring Robin by Mill Hill and an ornament of my choice. But I can't put down Susannah Walker, 1848 by Modern Folk Embroidery.

Here's my progress:

Happy Stitching!

Sunday, January 3, 2021

Wipocalpyse 2021

 The less said about 2020's goals the better. Let's just pretend that whole year didn't happen. 

I am joining WIPocalypse 2021 which is a blog hop and the brain child of Measi's Musings. This is the second time I'm participating and I love the idea of keeping track of the progress on my WIPs and following along with everyone else's progress.

I am Amy. I live on the East End of Long Island, New York. I learned to stitch as a teenager but stopped stitching during graduate school and when my children were little. In 2015 I picked up a kit on Amazon and later discovered the vast array of amazing designers and new fabrics and floss. I've been stitching non-stop ever since.

I am participating in WIPGO 2021 on Facebook. You can find all the information about it on Jessie Marie Does Stuff on Youtube. Essentially one constructs a BINGO board out of WIPs or new starts and determines a goal for each square. I intend to work 10 hours on each project called. I feel that this is a reachable goal. 

WIPGO 2021 Board

Squares 1 through 6 are new starts. My plan is to start a new ornament every other month so that I'll have them by the time we put up the Christmas tree. I will work on the ornaments below and from the Just Cross Stitch 2020 Christmas Ornament magazine.

Square 7: Herbularius by Chatelaine

Square 8: Halloween Fairy by Nora Corbett

Square 9: Christmas by Renato Parolin

Square 10: Hanukkah Table Topper by Dutch Treat Design

Square 11: Blue Jeans and Daisies by Blue Ribbon Designs

Square 12: Antique Celtic Sampler by Elizabeth's Designs

Square 14: Winter Snow Owl by Blackberry Lane Designs

Square 15: Harriet Hartland, 1782 by Hands Across The Sea Samplers

Square 16: Mother Nature by Kathy Barrick

Square 17: Fa La La Llama by Satsuma Street. This will be a Christmas stocking for my granddaughter.

Square 19: A Stitching Shelf by Aimee Stewart, Heaven and Earth Design.

Square 20: Give Thanks by The Drawn Thread.
I love this pattern so much. The specialty stitches are a blast.

Square 21: Susannah Walker, 1848 by Modern Folk Embroidery
I started this on Christmas day and I've been obsessed with it. 

Square 22: A new start: Pretty Pumpkins by Glendon Place

Square 23: A new start: Sister Suffragette.

Square 24: A new start: Yvonne Leclercq, 1905 by Reflets de Soie

And I left the final square, 25, to work on any new start or WIP.

Thanks for checking out my plans for the year. I hope you have a happy and healthy New Year. 

Sunday, March 1, 2020

February WIPocalypse check in

Let's just move on from the fact that I missed the January check in and I'm a day late on the February check in.

Since the initial WIPocalypse post in early January I've worked on Hariet Hartland and Spring Robin.

Hariet Hartland, 1782
Hands Across the Sea Samplers

Hariet Hartland is so lovely in real life. The cover photos on the patterns really don't do them justice. It's been a joy to stitch. I have finished page 1 and most of page 2 except for the text. I am planning on changing the text although I'm not sure what I'll choose which will leave me with an awful lot of over one stitching at the end.

Spring Robin
Mill Hill
I've made a little progress on Spring Robin. I try to take it out every Monday for Mill Hill Monday SAL on Facebook.

I also started Shabbat Tabletopper by Dutch Treat Designs
and picked up an old WIP I didn't originally include in WIPocalypse, Garden Window by Tiny Modernist.

Shabbat Tabletopper
Dutch Treat Designs

Garden Window
Tiny Modernist

Our WIPocalypse question of the month: In honor of “Leap Year,” tell the story of a time you had to make some sort of a “leap” in stitching – taking the chance on a new style of stitching, attending a meetup or class, etc.

I stitched a little as a young adult but gave it up for a couple of decades while raising my kids. When my daughter started college I got the itch to stitch and ordered a simple kit off of Amazon. While stitching that lovely pattern I discovered Chatelaine Designs. Chatelaine's appear very complicated and they use materials and stitches that were new to me. These designs were well beyond my abilities but, I LOVED the pattern and had to have it. I figured I'd find tutorials to help me figure out the new stitches along the way. And I did.

That's pretty much how I always decide my pieces. Do I love it? Will it be interesting to stitch? I believe I can figure out, with the help of cross stitch friends, groups and youtube tutorials. Yes, I've made mistakes, but I've always learned from them and they've made me a better stitcher.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Finished page 1 of Hariet Hartland by Hands Across The Sea Samplers. Loving every stitch. 

I’m stitching it 1 over 2 on 40 count Cream linen by Zweigart. Using the called for Soie d’Alger.

Hariet Hartland, 1782

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Weekly WIP update 1.17.20

I only had a few days of stitching this week. I worked on Spring Robin for Mill Hill Monday SAL which takes place on Facebook. I stitch on it every Monday so it always gets a little love. 
Spring Robin by Mill Hill 1.16.20

I had a new start this week. Hariet Hartland, 1782 by Hands Across the Sea Samplers. I am stitching on 40 count cream linen by Zweigart with the called for threads, Au Ver à Soie d'Alger. 
Hariet Hartland, 1782 by Hands Across the Sea Samplers 1.16.20

This was supposed to be my 'New Year, New Start', however I couldn't decide whether or not I should stitch in hand or with a frame. I was concerned about having to wash it if I stitched in hand due to transfer of oils from my hands to the linen and silks. It was suggested that I wash the reds and see if they bleed before starting in hand which I haven't, yet, done. Like a lunatic without a care in the world I went ahead and started stitching in hand. I am still not sure if I should continue or put it in a scroll frame or Qsnap. Sigh. I am open to constructive suggestions and opinions. What do you do?

Both of these projects were used in the School of Magical Stitches and Literature challenges. Spring Robin fit a challenge and I used Hariet Hartland for penalty stitches. They are also adding to stitches in the Landmark Challenge in Semi Sane Stitchers.

This weekend is International Hermit & Stitch Weekend and the timing is perfect as we are expecting a little snow this afternoon so I'm going to rush through my chores so I can have some extensive stitching time. A girl can dream, right?